Dear visitor,
Thank you for visiting our website. As brand new company, started in 2018, we'd like to welcome you!
Please have a look around at our website to know more about what we do, which deals are on and what news is going on. You can also keep in touch or ask a question if you'd like.
Have fun and look around,
Bjorn Declercq
We are certified as Trainer B in Triatlon. We also offer sports services. Want an indoor cycling instructor for your club? Want extra information about training programs? Give us a sign!
We carefully select and test our products before going to the European market with them. Our suppliers need to meet the European standards and we are in constant search for improved products.You can buy our products anywhere in Europe.
To reach all of the European countries, we are selling our products via the world class leading webstore Amazon. Find us on Amazon Germany, Spain, France, Italy and United Kingdom. They also fullfill the packing, correct delivery, storing our goods and customer services throughout Europe.
Our company is a Belgian company, situated in the heart of Europe in the small city of Waregem. The region of West Flanders, where craftsmenship and hard work is the key to success.
At this moment we rent our warehouse to store our goods. This is also fullfilled by the world class leading company Amazon. Our warehouse is located in Germany as it is centralized for the European market.